Josiah H. Bell  Thaddeus C. & James H.Bell   John W. Brooks    William A. Rose Plantation

Brazosport Archaeological Society

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Josiah H. Bell 1½ League Map 1879 The General Land Office of the State ofTexas


As a member of Stephen F. Austin’s Original 300 Families Josiah H. Bell brought his family to Brazoria County in 1824

receiving 1½ leagues of land on the west side of the Brazos River. At a point on the river which was navigable from

the Gulf of Mexico he laid out the towns ofMarion andColumbia. He built his cotton plantation just

south ofColumbia. After his death in 1838, his sons Thaddeus C. and James H. Bell would develop the

property into a sugar plantation of ~1000 acres for several years into the 1850’s. John W. Brooks, a local merchant,

bought the plantation in 1855 continuing to produce sugar upgrading his mill to steam power. Brooks sold the

plantation to William A. Rose, who brought his family and a larger slave force fromVirginia in 1859.

Controlling the plantation through the Civil War William A. Rose died in late 1865. His son-in-law Samuel A.

Masters bought the plantation from the Rose estate holding it for only a couple of years. The Dance brothers, James H.,

George P., and David E. acquired the property in the mid 1880’s. They built a home for their widowed sister,

Elouise Della Dance Winstead, on the site of theBell home. After the turn of the century the daughter of Elouise,

Zula Ella Winstead Loggins and her husband Reuben Burch Loggins became the owners. After several generations

Reuben “Bubby” Burch Loggins V and his family now reside at the location of the original Josiah H. Bell plantation home.

            Josiah Hughes Bell was born August 22, 1791 inChester District,South Carolina, the son of John and

Elizabeth (Hughes)Bell. His father died when he was five, and at age eleven Josiah was apprenticed to two

uncles in the hat business inTennessee. He later moved toMissouri Territory. In 1818 Josiah sold

his farm inMissouri and December 1, 1818 he married Mary Eveline McKenzie[1]. They moved

to nearNatchitoches, Louisiana[2]

            Josiah H. Bell and his wife Mary McKenzie ofKentucky arrived inTexas in 1821 settling along

New Year’s Creek near Washington-on-the-Brazos. He received written permission from Stephen F. Austin October 6,

1821 inNacogdoches. Josiah had his wife, his son Samuel McKenzie Bell born in October 1819, his daughter

Elizabeth Lucinda Bell born inLouisiana December 1820, and three slaves with him:


Permission is hereby granted to Josiah H. Bell to settle on the grant made to my Father in this Province—He is to receive ninehundred and Sixty acres as head

of his family and in addition to that threehundred and twenty acres for his wife and one hundred and Sixty acres for eachchild and Slave. One half of which is

to be taken in an oblong on the River andthe other half back from the River—The said land must be Inhabited andcultivated within one year and there must

be paid me twelve Dollars and fiftycents pr hundred acres one half on the receipt of the title and the other halfin twelve months which is to be paid

for all surveying and other expenses.[3]


Appointed by Stephen F. Austin,Bell served as sindico procurador (Justice of the Peace) in 1821 and afterward

as alcalde (judge) also managing the affairs of Stephen F. Austin while he traveled toMexico City in

182[4] October 1822 Thaddeus C. Bell was born making him the first Anglo male born inAustin’s Colony.



Down River at Top of Map

            Josiah H. Bell moved to what was to becomeBrazoria County in January 1824 and made camp along

Bell’s Creek approximately two miles from its entrance into theSan Bernard River. Initially

Bell was intended to receive one league of land fronting on theBrazos River. He actually wanted two

leagues, which Stephen F. Austin had unofficially agreed to: “I have spoken to the Baron [de Bastrop] and he has agreed that we will give you two leagues—one back of the one you live on…Keep the above arrangements to yourself.” 


Josiah H. Bell sent Stephen F. Austin a note with a sketch attached as how he wanted his second league laid off west of

his first league to the San Bernard River. This sketch also notes the location of his camp. His note on the sketch:

“The 2 league to be laid off on this manner so as to leave out the branch below the old camp.[5]


 There were concerns that one colonist who would have land stretching all the way from theBrazos River to

theSan Bernard River would have been shown favoritism over his fellow colonists. Josiah did not receive

the full two leagues.


August 3, 1824 Stephen F. Austin signed the documents concerning Bell’s solicitation to be a member of Austin’s 300

Families granting Bell as follows: “admitted as resident of this new Colony on account ofhis good qualities and circumstances, his notorious

application to agriculture,rearing of cattle, and industries, in consideration of which; one and one half league of land can be given him”.[6] Josiah

H. Bell received 1½ leagues of land from the Mexican Government located on the west side of theBrazos River

along Varner Creek on August 7, 1824. The deed record described the official duties of those involved to officially

receive and transfer ownership:


…we put in possession said Josiah H. Bell of said tract, taking him by the hand all over it, telling him in a loud and audible voice that By virtue of the Commission, the powers vested in us and in the name of the Government of the Nation of Mexico we put him in possession of said tract with all its uses…and said Josiah H. Bell in faith of having real and personal possession of said land without opposition whatever, shouted aloud, pulled grasses, threw stones, planted stakes and went through the other necessary ceremonies being warned of the obligation he is under to cultivate it inside of two years, the term prescribed by law in evidence of which, we signed said Commissioners Baron de Bastrop, Empresario Estevan Austin…[7]


By the end of 1824 he establishedBell’s Landing near the confluence of Varner Creek with theBrazos River and built a home for his family on the bank of the river where their next son James H. Bell was born in 1825. TheBrazos River was completely navigable to this point and proved to be a good location for commercial trade. Though most of the old settlers of the area preferred the name “Bell’s Landing”, Squire Bell named the area located along the Brazos “Marion” (later namedEast Columbia).


In 1826 at the end of a two mile lane fromBell’s Landing to the prairie Josiah H. Bell laid out the town of

Columbia, twenty square blocks, eight lots to the block. Bell moved his family from Marion in 1827 south of

Columbia to a magnificent grove of live oaks nearer the prairie about two hundred yards west of the public road to

Brazoria building a large dog trot home of logs.



Map Courtesy ofBrazoria County Historical Museum

            Andrew P. McCormick, who married one Josiah H. Bell’s granddaughters, Mary Jane Copes, described 
the Bell Plantation:              
            “The entrance to the premises was from the north. Directly in front of the dwelling a stile over the lane fence admitted persons. A little 
further west a pair of bars admitted animals and carriages. The dwelling was about 200 yards west of the public road. West of the dwelling, some little distance 
from it,were the stock lots joined to the lane fence. In one of these were the cribs for corn and the stables for horses. Between these and the house were the negro 
quarters, the blacksmith shop, the smoke house and the kitchen. These last were near to each other and the kitchen only a few steps from the west end of the 
house. South of the house, a little distance to the west of it, and under the live oaks, stood a large single room log house, called the office. The dwelling was a 
double log house of  the style very much used in all the early settlements in theUnited States. Two log rooms, set in line with each other east and west, 
twelve or fifteen feet apart, with a roof extending over both of these rooms and the intervening space, with wide sheds on each side, the whole floored 
throughout, and a room enclosed with weatherboards on each end of each of these shed annexes, thus making six rooms and a very large hall, besides such lot 
room as might be needed. The hall in this house was used as a dining hall and as a reception hall, except on a few days in the year when the weather was too 
cool. Just in fron to fthis house, which looked towards the lane (north side) parallel with it, stood a row of very large fig trees, bearing medium sized blue 
figs—the largest trees of that kind and the best fruit of that variety I have ever known. Between this row of fig trees and the lane there was on each side of the 
walk leading to the entrance gate (stile), a space of about an acre dotted with trees that had been planted, not in rows, or squares, or circles, but with a 
careful studied relation to each other,embracing walnut trees in bearing, catalpas, Otahute mulberries, black locust and common Chinas. South of the house 
and about 200 feet from it, several acres were separately enclosed with a very tall and close fence, made of split cedar pickets. This enclosure was an orchard, 
flower garden and fancy garden vegetable garden combined. Here were growing quince trees, which bore abundantly; pomegranates, many choice varieties 
of plums and the grafted and budded peach. Here also was a great wealth of flowers of charming figure, hue and fragrance. The vegetables were of great variety, 
profusion and perfection. Between this garden and the house, to the west of the house, there were a number of large wide spreading fig trees that bore yellow 
figs. There were alsos omeflowering' shrubs, altheas, crape myrtles and such like, but no flowers or other plants that could not hold their own against the tread 
of the concourse of strangers and pioneers who thronged these premises. A skillful European gardener was employed to dress the fruit trees and flowers in the 
garden, and to direct the other work therein. Where the treading or the shade was not too intense, they yard was covered with Bermuda grass. To the southeast 
of the houset here was left an open space, clear of trees, where a better house was to be built when proper material and workmen could be obtained.
               The relative situation of the fields to the dwelling house and to each other were the same, though each of the fields had been enlarged 
from time to time, as he added to his force of slaves. There were two main fields; the one extending north from the dwelling towards the prairie, called the 
prairie field, though little, if any of it was prairie land; the other extending south, and called the lower field. Both these were west of the public road from 
Velasco through Brazoria and Columbia to San Felipe, which ran along the east fence of both, throughout the length of each, in a course nearly north and 
south. These fields were separated from each other only by an open lane, running at right angles to the public road, and about one hundred yards north of 
the dwelling. There was a third field east of the public road and north of the line of the lane which separated the other two. This field was called the gin field, 
because in the southwest corner of it stood the cotton gin house. It was separated from the prairie field by a wide open lane, out of which, except in a narrow 
track for the public road…All of these fields were enclosed by the old style split-rail worm fences, staked and ridered all round the prairie field, and where 
the fences of the other fields were along the lane or public road…”[8]
Modified Map Courtesy ofBrazoria    County Historical Museum 1983.010c.0005
               TheBell home was often the lodging for many travelers and it was Josiah H. Bell’s office that was 
Sam Houston’s accommodations during the First Congress of theRepublic ofTexas atColumbia in the 
fall of 1836.
               Squire Bell, as he was known to his neighbors, in the summer of 1837 went with his children, Lucinda, 
Thaddeus, and James to put them in school inKentucky. Lucinda went to St. Catherine’s Convent near 
Bardstown, and his sons toSt. Joseph’s College. (Sons Samuel M. and William W. Bell had died of cholera 
in 1833)
             Josiah H. Bell died May 17, 1838; being buried in the family graveyard near his home with two of his children. 
Madam Bell went toKentucky and in the fall of 1838 returned toTexas with her children. Elizabeth Lucinda 
Bell married James Wilson Copes in April 1839.
            Josiah H. Bell’s estate was appraised at $147,646. It included 25 slaves, 14,420 acres of land, several lots 
inColumbia, 250 head of cattle, 6 mules, 3 yoke of oxen, and 1 fine mare.

            In his will Josiah H. Bell left his estate to his wife Mary and his children, entrusting her with the education of the

children. Special instructions were left for his children concerning his feelings toward the federal authority: 

“…I recommend to my Children never to apply to the law for its decision in any case through life but to settle their differencesshould any arise through

the medium of arbitrators but more particularly in thesettlement of my Estate…” He also stipulated that “…it is my will that the servant Girl Melindy

remainwith my wife during the life time of the latter and that after the death of herMistress should she Melindy be the longest liver to belong to my

daughter E. LBell to be taken at her value in her part of the Estate should Lucindy not outlive her mother then in that case the Girl Melindy to chose which

of thesurviving children she will live with them taking her at her value to determined by valuation…the negro manMosses should he out live me is to be f

ree and to live in the family as he maychose and is to have a comfortable living provided by the family during life ifhe continues in the family and it is

my wish that my executors attend to theprovisions made for him…”[9]

Thaddeus C. Bell attendedCentre    College,Danville,Kentucky until the fall of 1840. 
Returning home he took charge of his mother’s plantation operations till the distribution of his father’s estate in 1849. 
August 1847 he married Elizabeth Hodge Cayce.
            Madam Bell built a new dwelling house on the spot reserved for it. This new house was in process of erection 
for a considerable time, as suitable material and skilled workmen were still scarce, and was not ready for occupancy 
until 1841. Then the old house was torn to pieces and removed.[10]
      It was not until February 1849 that Josiah H. Bell’s estate was divided among his wife and his three children 
living at that time. Mary M. Bell, even though she was entitled to one half of her husband’s estate, was willing to 
“waive and renounce” her half portion in lieu of receiving one half the proceeds from the sale of the plantation, 
10 slaves, 1/3 of all mules, horses, and farm equipment, ¼ of all cattle, several lots in the town of Columbia, and the 
upper half of 1300 acres just below the town of East Columbia on the Brazos River in the Josiah H. Bell League. 
She established herself in a quiet home at the foot of the “Island” between the prongs ofBell’s Creek, about one 
mile west ofWest Columbia.
            Elizabeth L. Copes and her husband had already received $500 and 343 acres from the estate. They 
additionally received the lower half of the 1300 acres on theBrazos    River, 9 slaves, ¼ cattle, and a lot inEast
 Columbia on which a cotton press was situated.
            Thaddeus Bell received $400 for managing the plantation for the estate, 1400 acres of the Bell 1½ league 
which had not already been sold, lot 1 block 1 East Columbia, 1/3 mules, horses, and farm equipment, ¼ cattle,  10 
slaves, and several other large tracts of land.
            James Bell had previously received $450 from the estate. He also received 1/3 mules,  horses, and farm 
equipment, ¼ cattle, several lots and acreage in East Columbia, 10 slaves, and several other large tracts of land.
            It was agreed by all parties that in order to satisfy debts amounting to $5992.02 against the estate that Thaddeus
 C. Bell would be trustee in charge of selling the 1000 acre original plantation of Josiah H. Bell for no less than 
       Thaddeus C. Bell 1984.002p.0001                                          James H. Bell
Photo    Courtesy    Brazoria    County Historical Museum
            In the fall of 1849 Thaddeus C. Bell reported that he had not been able to sell the property. 
Thaddeus and his brother James H. Bell then bought the plantation from the estate for $10,000.[12] In the 
1850 agricultural census which would have been the production of the plantation for 1849 Thaddeus C. Bell listed 200 
improved acres with his farm equipment valued at $2700. There were 11 horses, 9 mules, 50 milch cows, 16 oxen, 
800 cattle, and 300 hogs on the property. The plantation produced 900 bushels corn, 1000 of Irish potatoes, 1500 of 
sweet potatoes, 500 lbs. butter, 3 tons of hay, and 12 bales of cotton.
            The 1850 Federal Census lists theBell family at three separate locations:
T. C. Bell                                         27M           Planter       Texas
Elizabeth Bell                                 19F                                Texas
Amanda J. Bell                                  2F                                Texas
Mary E. Bell                                    50F            Planter       North Carolina
James C. Girrand                            22M           Overseer    Kentucky
James H. Bell                                  25M           Lawyer       Texas
Catherine E. Bell                            22F                                Maryland
Eveline H. Bell                                 2F                                Texas
Mary E. Stephenson                       16F                                Texas
            James H. Bell had also attendedCentre    College, graduating in 1842. He served in the Somervell 
Expedition in 1842. After he had studied law with William H. Jack he attendedHarvard    University in 
1845. When James H. Bell returned toTexas in 1847 he formed a law partnership with Robert J. Townes 
in Brazoria. He married Catherine Elizabeth Townsend in December 1847. From 1852-1856Bell was district
 judge, and from August 2, 1858 to August 1864 he served as associate justice of the Texas Supreme Court. He was 
secretary of state under A. J. Hamilton from August 7, 1865, to August 17, 1866. He lived out his days in
               The Bell Plantation was originally a cotton plantation. After gaining ownership theBell brothers 
started to raise sugar cane. A mill using horse power was built made of brick some 300-400 yards northeast of the 
house site.[14] They produced 120 hogsheads of sugar in 1852, 90 hghds in 1853, and 75 hghds in 1854.
Modified Map Courtesy ofBrazoria    County Historical Museum 1983.010c.0005
                               In July 1855 Thaddeus C. and James H. Bell sold the plantation for $16,000 to John W. Brooks, 
a local merchant fromEast Columbia. From the lower 600 acre tract they reserved “One acre of ground to be laid off so 
as to include the spot where the late Josiah H. Bell and other members of his family are buried—said spot of ground being known as the family burying 
ground of the Bell family” and additionally “their heirs to have free and uninterrupted access at all suitable times and in such manner as may be proper
 to the burying ground…for the purpose of making interments and of keeping said burying ground in repair.” Out of the 400 acres a tract “one 
hundred varas square on which the Presbyterian Church stands” and a tract of 36½ acres “on which Thaddeus C. Bell now resides” were 
reserved.[16] “A building erected by J. E. W. Blinn and __ Phillips for the purpose of public worship and 
known as the Presbyterian Church and the tract of land on which it sat were given to the church by Thaddeus C. and 
James H. Bell in 1852.[17] Thaddeus C. Bell had been given the track below East Columbia on the
Brazos    River by his mother in 1855.[18] This tract was adjacent to his residence.
      The next year the cemetery next to the Presbyterian Church, which had been built in 1852, was opened to 
the public:[19]
                       The Presbyterian church lot has been laid off in blocks and lots for a cemetery. These lots are now offered for sale, the proceeds arising 
from the sale to be exclusively appropriated to the adorning and beautifying of the grounds. A plan of the premise may be seen at the office of the 
undersigned, where those wishing to purchase are respectfully invited to call at once. Earliest comers will have a choice of location. For terms and 
particulars enquire of CUSHING & SWAIN AGTS.[20]
Bethel Presbyterian Church Destroyed by Fire 1870
Picture Courtesy of Brazoria     County  Historical Museum 1983.006p.0074

             Mary Eveline McKenzie Bell died May 30, 1856, twelve days after being thrown from hercarriage on her

way to church inColumbia. She was buried in a family plot near the church between the graves of her

husband Josiah H. Bell and her mother Elizabeth McKenzie.[21] Evidentlythe graves of family members

had been moved from the original family plot tothe church location.

            Thaddeus C. Bell would remain on his property for several more years until moving to a

plantation inMatagorda County where his wifeElizabeth Cayce Bell died in 1864. In 1867 he

was appointed Superintendant ofthe Texas Penitentiary. The family then moved toHuntsville,

Texas. He married Cornelia McKinney February 24, 1868. After his term in officeexpired he moved

toHarris County settling on Buffalo Bayou a few miles fromHouston in 1870. Here he

died of kidney cancer in May 1871.

            The Thaddeus C. Bell family was still inBrazoria County in 1860:

T. C. Bell                             37M       Planter                  Texas

Elizabeth Bell                     29F                                      Texas

Alex Josiah Bell                   9M                                     Texas

Amanda J. Bell                    12F                                      Texas

Louisa H. Bell                      7F                                       Texas

Sophronia Bell                      5F                                       Texas

James Bell                            3M                                     Texas



On Thaddeus C. Bell’s 368 acres along theBrazos River,of which 100 acres were improved, he

produced 1800 bushels of corn, 50 of Irishpotatoes, 200 of sweet potatoes, 100 lbs. of butter, 2 tons of hay,

and 44bales of cotton in 1859. He owned 6 horses, 9 mules, 20 milch cows, 70 head of cattle, and 60 hogs. 

There were 13slaves on the property in 2 dwellings.

      John W. Brooks had married Harriet E. Gautier in 1851 and was a successful merchant living inEast 
Columbia. J. W. Brooks upgraded the sugar mill to steam power and in 1855 he produced 100 hghds of sugar 
and an additional 75 hghds in 1858.[22] Tax records indicate Brooks owned 17 slaves in 1858.
            In the early 1850’s the local newspaper would have numerous advertisements for merchandise offered by 
John W. Brooks. By the mid 1850’s he was in partnership with H. F. Hanson in the mercantile business and by 1859
 J. W. Brooks, M. L. Weems, and W. B. Smith were partners in Brooks, Smith & Company.
Just received a large and well assorted stock of Fall and Winter goods selected in New York expressly for this market—Comprising every 
description of merchandise, such as groceries, plantation supplies, dry goods of every description, fancy goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, books, 
good and readable, and stationary. & c. & c. Which are now offered for sale on terms that cannot fail to prove satisfactory to the buyer. Call around and 
look for yourselves
                                                                                                                      J. W. BROOKS
GROCERIES—Tobacco, liquors, & c., such as whiskey, old rye Bourbon & rectified brandy, wines of every variety, vinegar, cider, lamp, sperm and 
linseed oil, refined sugars, coffee, tobacco of superior quality. Sugars of all kinds, &c. &c.
                                                                                                                      J. W. BROOKS
Will keep constantly on had a general assortment of goods adapted to the wants of this section of country, which he will sell upon as favorable 
terms as they can be bought elsewhere. Purchasers would do well to call and examine his stock and prices.
Such as plains,lowells,Kentucky plaids, brogans, negro cloth in generally, a large assortment now landing and for sale by                                                                                 J.
W. B.[23]
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Brooks, Smith & Co.
[Successors to E. D. Nash & Co.]
Dealers in
Dry Goods, Clothhing, Boots, and
Shoes, Crockery and Glassware
Hardware, cutlery, Iron, Steel, Hats, Caps, Stationary, Saddlery, Groceries, Provisions, Bagging, Rope, Agricultural Impliments, House-Furnishing 
Articles, Building Utensils, Paints and Oils, Fancy Articles etc.
Columbia,Texas, July 26, 1859
            John W. Brooks had a large home in East Columbia and the plantation itself may have still have been run by 
Thaddeus C. Bell or he may have employed an overseer to live at the old Bell home.
            July 26, 1859 John W. Brooks sold the plantation to William A. Rose ofVirginia for 
$20,000.[25] Rose’s son-in-law Samuel A. Masters actually closed the deal and William A. Rose’s extended 
family moved toBrazoria    County shortly thereafter. The 1860 Census lists the Rose family:
W. A. Rose                   63M           Planter                          Virginia
S. A. Masters                31M           Planter                          Bermuda
Kate Masters                30F                                                   Virginia
Charles Rose                22M                                                 Virginia
Clery Rose                   17F [20]                                           Virginia
Lizzie Rose                  17F                                                   Virginia
Mary Masters                 9F                                                   Virginia
Rose Masters                 7F                                                   Virginia
Lillie Masters                7F                                                   Virginia
William Masters            4M                                                 Virginia
Eveline Masters             1F                                                   Texas
Hiram Ward                 30M           Overseer                       New York
            William A. Rose brought 41 slaves to the plantation. With 300 improved acres in 1859 Rose produced 
3000 bushels of corn, 100 lbs. of butter, 7 tons of hay, 56 bales of cotton, 12 hghds of sugar, and 960 gallons of 
molasses. The livestock on the plantation consisted of 3 horses, 16 mules, 15 milch cows, 8 oxen, and 60 hogs. The 
farm machinery was valued at $4780; much of this must have been the value of a small sugar mill operation.
            November 8, 1865 William A. Rose died. An inventory of his property valued the plantation lands and 
residence at $9360 with the livestock and farm implements a total of $11,217. Liabilities against the plantation 
amounted to $38,592.12.[26]    
            Samuel A. Masters bought the plantation from his father-in-law’s estate November 13, 1867 for $5000.
[27] Samuel and Kate Masters sold the plantation to Alexander Sessums and Josiah C. Massie of
Galveston in October 1869 for $5750.[28]
Modified Map Courtesy ofBrazoria    County Historical Museum 1983.010c.0005
            Looking for new sources of capital Sessums and Massie managed to sell the property the next year for 
$20,000 to Henry Augustus Lemonius ofLiverpool,England, a nice profit in anyone’s book.
[29] Lemonius held the property for several years. The property may have been rented during his time of ownership.
            In 1884 James H. Dance bought the property for $4685 and transferred half interest to his brothers, 
George P. and David E. Dance.[30] In 1848 James H. Dance and his 1st cousin James Watkins Dance came to
Texas on horseback fromAlabama. They made several trips back home to persuade the rest of the family to 
move toTexas. By the later part of November 1850 according to the census several males of the family 
were living with John Sweeney west ofColumbia and probably preparing land and a home for the rest 
of the family:
H. Dance                32M        Carpenter               North Carolina       [Harrison Perry Dance]
Spencer Dance       27M        Carpenter               North Carolina       [John Spencer Dance]
James H. Dance     27M        Carpenter               North Carolina       [James Henry Dance]
James Dance          25M        Carpenter               North Carolina       [James Watkins Dance]
In the earlier part of November 1850 they were also listed with the family in Greene County Alabama:
Henry Dance          52M        Farmer                   North Carolina       [John Henry Dance]              
Della Dance           54F                                        North Carolina       [Delilah Watkins Dance]
James H. Dance     27M        Mechanic               North Carolina       [James Henry Dance]
Melvina Dance      20M                                      North Carolina       [Malvina Elizabeth Dance]
George P. Dance    21M        Mechanic               North Carolina       [George Perry Dance]
David E. Dance     17M        Farmer                   North Carolina       [David Etheldred Dance]
Isaac C. Dance       15M        Farmer                   Alabama                [Isaac Claudius Dance]
Eloise D. Dance     12F                                        Alabama                [Elouise Della Dance]          
Harrison P. Dance 32M        Mechanic               North Carolina       [Harrison Perry Dance]
John S. Dance        29M        Mechanic               North Carolina       [John Spencer Dance]
James W. Dance    27M        Mechanic               North Carolina       [James Watkins Dance]
             John Henry and Delilah Watkins Dance had eight children. John Henry Dance’s brother, James and his 
wife Elizabeth Watkins Dance had died young leaving several children. Five of their children were also raised 
by John and Delilah Dance. The last three men on the census list above are John and Delilah’s nephews. Their 
niece Lourian “Lucy” Dance who had married John Balsam Culpepper in 1839 died in 1842. John married her 
sister Nancy Henry Dance in 1844. Nancy and her husband raised a family inAlabama but later came to
Texas as she and a child are listed in the home of her brother Spencer Dance in 1860 after the death of her 
husband. John and Delilah had lost a daughter Sally Ann Dance in 1836 and their son Joseph John Dance had joined 
theCalifornia gold rush where he died in 1852 of smallpox.
            In February 1852 Spencer and James W. Dance bought 426 acres out of the Daniel McNeel league twelve
 miles west of Columbia on the west side of the San Bernard River from William and Harriet A. Crenshaw. 
Harriet McNeel Crenshaw had actually inherited 1/6 league of land from her father’s estate which should have 
been over 700 acres.[31] In 1853 the extended Dance family moved fromAlabama toTexas to 
this property, which they called Cedar Break.
            The brothers and cousins were skilled carpenters and machinists. By 1854 James H. and George P. Dance 
had started a business at the plantation site making portable horse mills selling to planters in Brazoria, Wharton, 
Matagorda, andFort    Bend counties:
                   The subscribers have commenced the manufacture of Portable Horse Mills at their place, 12 miles west ofColumbia. From their 
long experience in this business they are able to warrant their mills to perform equal to any made in theUnited States. All they ask is a 
fair trial, and if their mills fail to give satisfaction, they will take them back at their own expense.
For 18 to 20 inch stones                    $125.00
    20 to 22                                       130.00
    22 to 24                                       135.00
                       A deduction of 25 per cent will be made from these terms for cash. 
                                                                                                   J. H. & G. P. DANCE
Columbia, Brazoria Co., Nov. ‘54[32]
            Several planters in the area gave a testimonial about the Dance brothers’ horse mills: “believe them to be the 
most simple, most durable, easiest kept in order, and will do more work with the same power, than any mills we have ever seen.”[33]
               John Spencer Dance built a home at the Cedar Break Plantation and June 1858 he married Columbia Ewell 
Slade. John Henry and Delilah Dance also continued to live at the small cotton plantation on equal amounts of 
land. The families were not large slave owners. Henry owned 5 slaves living in two dwellings while Spencer 
owned 8 slaves living in two dwellings according to the 1860 Slave Census. According to the 1860 Agricultural 
Census they each had 55 improved acres of land with Henry producing 22 bales of cotton and Spencer 
30 bales in 1859.
John Spencer Dance
               James Watkins Dance married Temperance Cook in 1857 and the next year bought a 900 acre sugar plantation 
and 11 slaves from the estate of Daniel H. Yeiser east of the San Bernard River about six miles west of 
Columbia.[34] There he went into business with Gabriel P. Davis giving up the sugar production and 
concentrating on cotton. His family would remain on this property for many years.
James Watkins and Temperance Cook Dance
Courtesy    Brazoria    County Historical Museum 1988.002p.0015
               In 1858 James H., George P., and David E. Dance bought the Aldrich/Hansen home on lots 52 and 57 
block 7 in East Columbia and several lots across the street on theBrazos    River and moved to town 
with their sister Malvina.  The old Aldrich house was modified adding a second story and a double gallery porch 
on the front. (This home still stands today.) 
                            David Etheldred Dance               
           George Perry Dance
Courtesy    Brazoria    County Historical Museum 1986.085p.0003 & 1986.035p.0004
            On their lots on theBrazos    River in Block 8 they erected a machine shop and saw mill under the 
style of J. H. Dance & Company.
Dance Bros. Shop East Columbia
Courtesy of the Brazoria     County  Historical Museum, 1986.035p. 0001
            From this shop they started to produce grist mills, components for cotton gins and sugar mills as well 
as coffins:
Manufactured in
                   WE are now manufacturing these Mills, of various sizes and capacity, adapted to steam, water, or horse power: ranging in price from 
one hundred and twenty to three hundred dollars. The will grind from five to thirty bushels per hour—according to the diameter of the stone, the power 
applied, and the velocity given.
                   We have made late improvements in the Mills, which, we think, render them superior to any now in use. Orders respectfully solicited 
from the planters.—We guarantee satisfaction.
                       We shall keep constantly on had a general assortment of lumber, at out saw mill. Our terms from and after this time, will be Cash or
Columbia acceptance.
                                                                                J. H. DANCE & CO.
Feb. 22, 1859[36]
            During the Civil War the brothers, who enlisted in the 35th Texas Cavalry defending theTexas coastline, 
were reassigned to work in their machine shop to make the now much desired Dance revolver for the Confederacy. 
Isaac C. Dance, who was also assigned to work at the machine shop died of measles in1863. (His sister Malvina E. 
Dance also died of measles the same year.)
            After the Civil War, John Henry Dance died in October 1866.  Delilah Dance continued to live at the old 
homestead and her daughter Elouise Della Dance Winstead with her family moved in to take care of her mother. 
She had married Stephen Hall Winstead in 1858.
            Spencer Dance purchased a lot inEast Columbia and moved to town in ~1868 building a large new home. 
He also worked in the Dance’s shop. After his wife,Columbia, died in 1876 he sold out his interest to his cousins, 
as well as his home inColumbia and moved toQueen City,Texas to be with his children.[37]
John Spencer Dance HomeEast Columbia
            Delilah Dance and her two year old granddaughter Annie Delilah Winstead were drowned in the hurricane 
of September 1875 at the mouth of theSan    Bernard    River. W. E. Crews reported to the Houston 
Daily News upon his arrival inHouston that “At the mouth of the San Bernard the gale prevailed with great severity, and blew 
much harder than on theBrazos, and a sickening detail of the loss of life comes from there. On the east side, Mrs. Dance, an old lady, and her 
granddaughter, two years old, are known to have been lost. All others living on that side were saved by theLiverpool steamship Australian, 
which had been driven there by the gale.”[38]    
            David E. Dance, the only one of the brothers to wed, married Mary Elizabeth Gray in January 1877. They 
would have one son, Joseph Gray Dance before the death of Mary in the later part of 1878.
            After the Dance brothers had purchased the originalBell property in 1884 they sold an interest in t
he land to their sister Mrs. Elouise D. Winstead and her children in 1886.[39] Her husband had died in 1874. 
The Dance brothers tore down the oldBell home and built a new two story frame home for the Winstead family.
Winstead Home Rear View
Mrs. E. D. Winstead, Mrs. R. R. Foster, Mattie Foster, Ewell Ogburn(tree), Mrs.E. M. Crews(on gallery), Joe Dance (by gallery) 
    Courtesy     Brazoria     County     Historica l    Museum 1983.011p.0016
Rear    View     Courtesy     Brazoria     County  Historical Museum 1986.035p.0006
Front    View     Courtesy     Brazoria     County  Historical Museum, 1986.035p.0002
Front    View     Courtesy     Brazoria     County  Historical Museum 1986.008.0052


James H. Dance died in 1896 and George P. Dance in 1906 at their home inEast Columbia. By 1908 David

E. Dance with his son had moved to the Winstead home. The 1900 hurricane had damaged the shop inEast

Columbia and a new shop had been set up on a portion of this property.


Rear View Winstead/Loggins Home Shortly Before it was torn down in 1971

Courtesy o fBrazoria  County  Historical Museum 1985.042p.0003


Zula Della Winstead married Reuben Burch Loggins in 1891 and had lived with the Dance brothers inEast

Columbia for several years. In order to satisfy a mortgage note, in 1906 the Winstead, Dance, and  Loggins

families sold the northern 400 acre tract and 123 acres out the southern 600 acre tract to Harris Masterson.[40] Reuben B. Loggins bought the property back for $4475.[41]

The remaining southern 477 acre tract, which contained the original homestead, was partitioned between Zula Winstead Loggins, David E. Dance and his son Joseph G. Dance in 1909.[42] In 1946 Joseph G. and Florence Dance gave their portion of the property back to Rueben and Zula Loggins.[43]

Several generations of the Loggins family have owned the property over the years. Reuben Burch Loggins V and his wife Theresa now live near the location of the oldBell and Winstead home sites.

None of the sites of the sugar mill, cotton gin, the originalBell family graveyard, or home sites have been examined archeologically. The location of the later Dance shop and a livery stable also have not been surveyed.

Appendix A

Josiah H. Bell Family Genealogy


Josiah Hughes Bell b. August 22, 1791South Carolina (John Bell and Elizabeth Hughes)

                                 d. May 17, 1838Brazoria County,Texas (BuriedWest Columbia)

               m. December 1, 1818Christian County,Kentucky

Mary Eveline McKenzie b. October 16, 1799North Carolina (Andrew McKenzie and Elizabeth Stevenson)

                                          d. May 30, 1856Brazoria County,Texas ( BuriedWest Columbia)

               1. Samuel McKenzie Bell b. October 10, 1819 d. July 11, 1833 (Cholera)


               2. Elizabeth Lucinda Bell b. December 22, 1820  Louisiana d. December 15, 1893Travis County,Texas

                              m. April 4, 1839

                   JamesWilson Copes b. November 5, 1809  d. October 8, 1863 (BuriedWest Columbia Cemetery)

                        a. Josiah Bell Copes b. November 5, 1840

                              b. Mary Jane Copes b. August 4, 1842 d. January 12, 1870 (BuriedWest Columbia Cemetery)

                        c. CorneliaElizabeth Copes b. May 13, 1844 d. August 21, 1846 (BuriedWest Columbia)

                        d. Thomas Thaddeus Copes b. November 11, 1846Houston,Texas d. March 18, 1878

                        e. James Wilson Copes b. March 7, 1849 d. February, 1894

                        f. Hester Anna Copes b. February 12, 1851 d. October 11, 1854 (BuriedWest Columbia)

                        g. Joseph Stemings Copes b. November 14, 1853

                        h. Cerrie Campbell Copes b. January 29, 1862 d. February 2, 1862 (Unknwn where infant buried)                                  


               3. Thaddeus Constantine Bell b. October 4, 1822Mound City,Coryell County,Texas

                                                               d. May 22, 1871Buffalo, Leon County,Texas

                              m. 1st  August 3, 1847

                   Elizabeth Hodges Cayce b. September 30, 1830 d. February 24, 1864Matagorda County,Texas

                              a. Amanda Jane Bell b. 1848

                              b. Josiah Hughes Bell b. 1850 d. 1923

                              c. Louisa (Lula) Hannah Bell b. 1853 d. 1941

                              d. Sophronia Lucinda Bell b. 1855

                              e. James HallBell b. 1857 d. 1907

                              f. Thaddeus Copes Bell b. 1864 d. 1939


                              m. 2nd February 24, 1868

                  Cornelia McKinney b. 1839

a.JohnBell b. 1871


               4. James HallBell b. January 21, 1825La Grange,Fayette County,Texas

                                            d. March 13, 1892

                              m.  December 1, 1847

                   Catherine Elizabeth Townsend b. November 9, 1827 d. October 31, 1895

                              a. Eveline Hunter Bell b. 1848 d. 1904

                              b. Barlclay Townsend Bell b. 1850 d. 1930


               5. William WashingtonBell b. February 24, 1828 d. September 4, 1833 (Cholera)


               6. John Josiah Bell b. March 5, 1832 d. August 11, 1835


               7. Mary Eveline Bell b. May 20, 1834 d. September 4, 1835


               8 Amanda Jane Bell b. March 4, 1836 d. June 7, 1841



Appendix B

John W. Brooks Family


John W. Brooks b. 1815Virginia

                                 d. October 4, 1870Brazoria County,Texas (BuriedWest Columbia Cemetery)

               m. December 3, 1851

Harriet Elizabeth Gautier b. October 20, 1825Georgia

             d. September 27, 1908 (BuriedWest Columbia Cemetery)

               1. Nannie Brooks b. 1855

               2. Hallie Brooks b. 1857

               3. Peter  Brooks b. 1860

               4. William Brooks b. 1862

               5. Thomas Brooks b. 1865

               6. Lucie Brooks b. 1870

Appendix C

William A. Rose Family Genealogy


William Allason Rose b. November 29, 1794 Virginia (Robert Alexander Rose Mary Seymour Hall Allason)

                                                  d. November 8, 1865Brazoria County,Texas


Sigismunda M. Alexander  b. 1802 d. 1843

               1. Maria Elizabeth Rose b. 1822 d.1882

               2. Robert William Rose b. 1825 d. 1845

               3. Mary Henry Rose b. 1828 d. 1834

               4. Catherine (Kate) C. Rose b. 1830Virginia


                   Samuel A. Masters b. 1829Bermuda

               5. Henry Clarendon Rose b. 1833  d. 1847

               6. Charles Cameron Rose b. 1838Virginia

                              m. May 24, 1868 Brazoria County

                   Minnie Montgomery

               7. Henrietta (Clery) Clay Rose b. 1840Virginia

               8.Elizabeth (Lizzy) Sigismunda Rose b. 1843Virginia


Appendix D

John Henry Dance Family

John Henry Dance b. July 4, 1797Nash County,North Carolina d. October 7, 1866Brazoria County,Texas

               m. November 29, 1821Nash County,North Carolina

Delilah M. Dell Watkins b. 1795 d. September 17, 1875 (drowned 1875 hurricane)

1. James Henry Dance b. January 23, 1823Nash County,North Carolina

                                    d. October 3, 1896Brazoria County,Texas

2. Joseph John Dance b. May 8 1824Nash County,North Carolina

                                    d. December 22, 1852Tuolumne County,California (smallpox)

3. Sally Ann Dance b. January 10, 1826Nash County,North Carolina

                                d. 1836Greene County,Alabama

4. George Perry Dance b. March 27, 1827Nash County,North Carolina

                       d. June 24, 1906Brazoria County,Texas

5. Malvina Elizabeth Dance b. 1828Nash County,North Carolina

                                             d. April 13, 1863Brazoria County, Texas (measles)

6. David Ethelred Dance b. May 24, 1833Nash County,North Carolina

                                         d. January 24, 1918Brazoria County,Texas

m. January 3, 1877

                  Mary Elizabeth Gray b. 1848Lonoke County,Arkansas

                                                     d. November 3, 1878Brazoria CountyTexas

                              A. Joseph Gray Dance b. July 2, 1878Brazoria County,Texas

                                                                  d. May 15, 1973Brazoria County,Texas

                                             m. July 26, 1922

                                  Florence Easter Mann b. October 10, 1890Tyler County,Texas

                                                                        d. January 18, 1968

                                             a. Mary Eloise Dance b. August 10, 1923

                                             b. Sarah Elizabeth Dance b. April 13, 1925

               7. Isaac Claudius Dance b. January 26, 1835Greene County,Alabama

                                                      d. March 22, 1863Wharton County,Texas (measles)


                  Maggie Davis

A.     Infant

8. Elouise Della Dance b. October 3, 1837Greene County,Alabama

                                      d. November 11, 1909Brazoria County,Alabama

               m. September 30, 1858

   Stephen Hall Winstead b. June 26, 1826Humphreys County, Tennessee

                                         d. June 18, 1874Brazoria County,Texas

               A. Charles Henry Winstead b. February 26, 1860Brazoria County, Texas

                                                             d. November 1936 Brazoria County,Texas

               B. David Stephen Winstead b. January 25, 1862Brazoria County, Texas

                                                            d. August 13, 1865Brazoria County,Texas

               C. Mary Malvina Winstead b. December 24, 1864Brazoria County, Texas

                                                              d. June 18, 1929Brazoria County,Texas

                              m. January 8, 1885

                   Edward M. Crews d. 1912Brazoria County,Texas

               D. Stephen Perry Winstead b. March 6 1868Brazoria County, Texas

                                                            d. November 28, 1884Brazoria County,Texas

               E. Zula Della Winstead b. February 5, 1870Brazoria County, Texas

                                                      d. July 29, 1957Brazoria County,Texas

                              m. January 14, 1891

                   Reuben Burch Loggins II b. September 23, 1865Lodi,Mississippi

                                                              d. March 10, 1939Brazoria County,Texas

                              a. George Ethelred Loggins b. October 13, 1900Brazoria County,Texas

                                                                          d. September 17, 1978Harris County,Texas


                              b. Reuben Burch Loggins III b. September 17, 1904Brazoria County,Texas


                                             m.  June 8, 1930

                                 Elizabeth Weems b. August 7, 1908

                                                              d. November 9, 1952

                                             i. Reuben Burch Loggins IV b. February 10, 1934

                                                            m. January 26, 1953

                                                Donna Ruth Chesney b. November 25, 1934

                                                            x. Reuben Burch Loggins V b. July 11, 1955

                                                            xx. Virginia Elizabeth Loggins b. December 27, 1960

                                             ii. Carla Elizabeth Loggins b. May 10, 1938


                                                 James Elton Roberts, Jr. b. June 1, 1939

F. Annie Delilah Winstead               b. March 6, 1873Brazoria County,Texas

                                             d. September 17, 1875 (drowned hurricane)                                                                                                                                                      

Appendix E

James Woodward Dance Genealogy


James Woodward Dance b. 1794Nash County,North Carolina

            d. 1823

m. 1815Nash County,North Carolina

Elizabeth Watkins b. 1789

                              d. 1832

1. Harrison Perry Dance b. 1815Nash County,North Carolina

                                        d. 1879

2. Lourian Dance b. 1816Nash County,North Carolina

                             d. 1842

               m. February 21, 1839

   John Balsam Culpepper

A.     Martha A. “Mattie” Culpepper b. February 24, 1841Greene County,Alabama

B.     Martin Culpepper

               3. Nancy Henry Dance b. 1819Nash County, North Carolina

                                                      d. 1912

                              m.  April 1, 1844

                  John Balsam Culpepper d.

                              A. Laura Epps Culpepper b. 1848Alabama

4. John Spencer Dance b. May 11, 1821Nash County,North Carolina

                                       d. June 8, 1906

               m. June 24, 1858Brazoria County,Texas

   Columbia Ewell Slade b. 1840

                                         d. 1876Brazoria County,Texas

               A. Rhoda Talbot Dance b. 1860 d. 1931

               B. Charlotte Ewell Dance b. 1861 d. 1862

               C. Nancy Elizabeth Dance b. 1863 d. 1863

               D. Nannie Elizabeth Dance b. 1864 d. 1891

               E. Nora Almira Dance b. 1866 d. 1869

               F. John Spencer Dance b. 1868 d. 1870

               G. Harrison Perry Dance b. 1871 d. 1957

               H. Della Louise Dance b. 1872 d. 1962

               I. Cora Bell Dance b. 1875 d. 1935

               J. Claude Dance b. 1876 d. 1877

5. James Watkins Dance b. August 1823Nash County,North Carolina

                          d. 1904Brazoria County,Texas

m. January 22, 1857Greene County, Alabama

   Temperance Cook b. 1833Greene County,Alabama

                                  d. 1865Brazoria County,Texas

A. Martha Ann Dance b. 1857 d. 1858

B. James Edwin Dance b.1859 d. 1887

C. John Henry Dance b. 1861 d. 1863

D. Kate Ophelia Dance b. 1863 d. 1955

E. Melvina Elizabeth Dance b. 1865 d. 1867
Appendix F

Deed Records




Kind of Instrument









Mexican Government

Josiah H. Bell








1 ½ Leagues west of theBrazos River on Varner Creek

Josiah H. Bell Estate

Children Josiah H. Bell








Partition of Land, slaves, property etc. among the children of Josiah H. Bell

Josiah H. Bell Estate

Thaddeus C. Bell








Plantation released to be sold to pay debts of estate

Josiah H. Bell Estate

Thaddeus C.  &

James H. Bell








Plantation of Josiah H. Bell $10,000

Thaddeus C.  &

James H. Bell

Presbyterian Church








Church building and a 100 vara square tract on which it sat

Mary E. Bell

Thaddeus C. Bell








Gift of the northern ½ of 1300 acres on theBrazos

Thaddeus C.  &

James H. Bell

John W. Brooks








$16,000  2 Tracts 600  & 400 acres

John W. Brooks

William A. Rose








2 Tracts 600  & 400 acres


William A. Rose

W. B. Smith

Clinton Terry








2 Tracts 600  & 400 acres

$18,620 note

Rose Estate Samuel C. West

Samuel A. Masters








2 Tracts $5000

Samuel A.

Kate Masters

Alexander Sessums

Josiah C. Massie








$5750 2 Tracts

Alexander Sessums

Josiah C. Massie

John W. Gordon









John W. Gordon

Lemonius Co.Liverpool,England








$20,000 Gordon Attny transferred to Lemonius Co.

Lemonius Co.Liverpool,England

J. H. Dance









J. H. Dance

Sue E. Aycock








$3000 note acreage as security

J. H. Dance

George P.

David E. Dance








½ interest

J. H., George P.,

David E. Dance


Mrs. E.D. Winstead

Charles N. & Zula Winstead

Mary Crews








1/3 interest $2762 to their sister and her children

R. B. & Zula Loggins et al.

J. T. Loggins








Note $2927 to J. G. Smith & Bro.

Mrs. Sue E. Aycock

J. H. Dance








Release DT debt paid

R. B. & Zula Loggins et al

H. Masterson








Gave up the upper 400 tract and 123 acres from lower to close DT

H. Masterson

R. B. Loggins









C. H. Winstead

Zula Loggins

Mary Crews








Bell Homesite interest to his sisters

Their mother had deceased

Joseph G. Dance

Zula Loggins








Gift north section

Zula Loggins

J. G. Dance








Gift Southern section

Mary Crews

J. G. Dance








$695.92 Southern section

J. G. &Florence Dance

R. B. G. E. Zula Loggins










Appendix G

Will of Josiah H. Bell


            In the name of God Amen—being in good health and of sound mind do make thisinstrument written by myself and signed my own hand

my last will and testament—

               It is my will that my estate be disposed of in the following manner—

that after the decease of myself and my wife Mary E. Bell my Estate both real and personal to be equally divided between my childrenviz.

Saml M. Bell, Elizabeth L. Bell, Thaddeus C. Bell, James H. Bell, WilliamW. Bell, and John J. Bell [and]  shouldthere be any further born

between my present wife and myself it is my will thatthey be equal heirs with those already [ ]

it is my will that my daughter Elizabeth L. on account of her being a Cripple as [ ] from her present situation be entitled to the sumof five hundred

dollars for the purpose of purchasing her a nurse or servantwhich amount of five hundred dollars is to be over and above her Equal part ofthe

whole Estate--

should my wife Mary E. Bell live longer than myself it is my will that she may have the use of the farm on which we may live at mydecease with all the

stock on the place including six hundred acres of land forthe use of the farm Also the use of as many of the servants as she may wish toretain for her

own use Also all the farming tools, house hold and kitchenfurniture during her natural life and that she shall have the right to disposeof the proceeds

of the farm and stock as she may think best for the purpose ofEducating and maintaining the Children or for any other purpose she may think

proper—it is my will that the Children may be under the direction of theirmother and that she be consulted at all times as to their Education and

mannerof raising and any moneys or means she may use for that purpose shall be allotted her in the betterment of the Estate—

as the Children come of age it is my will that they receive their part of the property not interfering with their mothers [ ] asabove named which is

only to be divided after her death she having theprivilege of dividing any part of the stock with the Children as they come ofage and wish to settle

themselves as not to [pre ] the Interest of the youngerchildren should any difference take place at any time between the heirs in thedivision of the

property or any part of it  it is my will that they never appeal in any Court to the [ ] of the lawbut chose arbitrators to settle their differences if any

arise in the divisionof the Estate the arbitrators to be chosen by the parties entrusted the executors that may be living always be present  and for the

minor heirs should there be any and for the decision of thearbitrators to [ ] be final at all times and in all cases in the [  ]my Estate as it is my Cincere

wish that noCourt Judicial Tribunal whatever shall ever have anything to do with my Estate in any way—

I recommend to my Children never to apply to the law for its decision in any case through life but to settle their differencesshould any arise through t

he medium of arbitrators but more particularly in thesettlement of my Estate—

it is my will that the servant Girl Melindy remain with my wife during the life time of the latter and that after the death of herMistress should she

Melindy be the longest liver to belong to my daughter E. LBell to be taken at her value in her part of the Estate should Lucindy not outlive her mother

then in that case the Girl Melindy to chose which of thesurviving children she will live with them taking her at her value todetermined by valuation--to

be taken in their part of the Estate—

and lastly I do appoint my dearly beloved Wife Mary E. Bell Executrise of my Estate—and Peter W.  [ ] Joseph M. [ ] and Walter C. White my

executors and it is my willthat they consult my Wife Mary E. as to the [ ] of the Children and there be nosteps taken with the Children during their

minority [ ] to their mothers will—

the negro man Mosses should he out live me is to be free and to live in the family as he my chose and is to have a comfortableliving provided by

the family during life if he continues in the family and itis my wish that my executors attend to the provisions made for him—finally

I recommend to my children to avoid law andlitigation through life and [ ] to settle all their business in the manner I have recommended above.

                                                                                                         March 6, 1833

                                                                                                                        J. H. Bell


Probate Case #26 Brazoria County Clerk’s Office,Angleton,Texas

Appendix H

Slaves Partitioned Owned by Josiah H. Bell 1849


Mary E. Bell


E. L. Copes


James H. Bell


Thaddeus Bell


Daniel  M


Sam  M


Philip  M


Burrell  M


Wife Edy


Wife Susan


Wife Caroline


Wife Mary


Their 4 Children Emily  F



Their twins

Polk   M


Willy  M


Bet  F


Martha  F


Tyler  M


Wife Eliza


John  M


Leander  M


Jack  M


Mary  F


William  M


Joseph  M


Fortune  M


George  M


Peter  M


Peet  M


Maria  F


Gustus  M


Bristo  M


Lizzy  F


Louisa  F


Charles  M


Pat  F


Rachael  F


Malinda  F


Mily  F


Fana  M


Dennis  M




Moses  F


Jim  M



BrazoriaCounty Deed Record: E 103/110




Brazoria County Historical Museum Library,Angleton,Texas

Josiah H. BellPlantation File

BrazoriaCounty Tax Records on Microfilm

Map Collection


Texas State Archives,Austin,Texas

1850 Federal Agricultural Census


1860 Federal Agricultural Census



The Planter,Columbia, Texas


Democrat and Planter,Columbia, Texas




Probate and Deed Records Brazoria County Clerk’s Office,Angleton, Texas


Brazoria County Tax Records on microfilmBrazoria County Historical Museum,Angleton,Texas


Federal Population Schedule, Seventh Census of theUnited States.

1850       The State ofTexas,Brazoria County

“Schedule 2—Slave Inhabitants in the County ofBrazoria, Texas


Federal Population Schedule, Eighth Census of theUnited States.

1860      The State ofTexas, Brazoria County

“Schedule 2—Slave Inhabitants in the County ofBrazoria, Texas


Federal Population Schedule, Ninth Census of theUnited States.



Federal Population Schedule, Tenth Census of theUnited States.



Secondary Sources



Champomier, P. A., Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1852-53, With An Appendix,New Orleans, 1853


Champomier, P. A., Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1853-54, With An Appendix,New Orleans, 1854


Champomier, P. A., Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1854-55, With An Appendix,New Orleans, 1855


 Champomier, P. A.Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1855-56, With An Appendix,New Orleans, 1856.


Champomier, P. A., Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1858-59, With An Appendix,New Orleans, 1859


Champomier, P. A., Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1860-61, With An Appendix, New Orleans, Cook, Young, & Co., 1861


Creighton, James A., A Narrative History of Brazoria County, Texian Press, Waco, Texas, 1975


McCormick, Andrew Phelps, Scotch–Irish inIreland andAmerica, Private Publishing,New Orleans,Louisiana, 1897



[1] Mary Eveline McKenzie Bell was born October 16, 1799 nearStatesville,North Carolina. She died May 30, 1856 twelve days after being thrown from her carriage on her way to church inColumbia.

[2] Merle Weir, “Josiah Hughes Bell,” Handbook ofTexas Online

Available at, accessed January 13, 2013      

[3] Letter Stephen F. Austin to Josiah H. Bell, October 6, 1821,Nacogdoches,Texas

[4]Merle Weir, “Josiah Hughes Bell,” Handbook ofTexas Online, accessed January 13, 2013

[5]Letter Stephen F. Austin to Josiah H. Bell, July 2, 1824Josiah H. Bell File Brazoria County Historical Museum,Angleton,Texas

[6] Brazoria County Deed Records Spanish Translation pp. 159-162

[7] Ibid.

[8]McCormick, Andrew Phelps, Scotch–Irish in Ireland and America, Private Publishing, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1897, pp. 112-115.

[9] Josiah H. Bell Probate Case #26,County Clerk’s Office,Angleton, Texas

[10]McCormick, Andrew Phelps, Scotch–Irish in Ireland and America, Private Publishing, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1897, p. 122.


[11] BCDR: 103/10 & E 111/14

[12] BCDR: E 281/85

[13]Bell, James Hall.” Handbook ofTexas Online

[14] Munson, Chloe, “Josiah H. Bell Could Be Termed “Uncle” ofTexas”, Angleton Times, September 7, 1961

[15] Champomier, P. A., Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1852-53, With An Appendix,New Orleans. Champomier, P.A., Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1853-54, With An Appendix,New Orleans, 1854. Champomier, P. A., Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1854-55, With An Appendix,New Orleans, 1855

[16] BCDR: G 405/08 This indicates that Josiah H. Bell was still buried in the family cemetery in 1855.

[17]BCDR: H 187/88 The date of the deed is not quite clear but appears to be 1852; the date of filing is 1857. Most historians have written that Mary E. Bell gave the Presbyterian Church the property but no documentation was located. She may have directed her sons to donate the property as she actually no longer owned it.

[18] BCDR: G 188/89

[19] It should be noted that this area had been used as a cemetery for many years previous to 1852.

[20] The Democrat and Planter, July 8, 1856,Columbia,Texas

[21]McCormick, Andrew Phelps, Scotch–Irish in Ireland and America, Private Publishing, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1897, p. 132.

[22]Champomier, P. A., Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1855-56, With An Appendix,New Orleans, 1856. Champomier, P. A., Statement of the Sugar Crop Made inLouisiana in 1858-59, With An Appendix,New Orleans, 1859

[23] Columbia Democrat, December 20, 1853,Columbia,Texas

[24]Columbia Democrat, January 31, 1854,Columbia,Texas

[25] BCDR: J 326/28

[26] William A. Rose Probate Case 823

     [27] BCDR: L 117/21

[28] BCDR: L 655/57

[29] BCDR: M 342/44 & M 346/48

[30] BCDR: W 160/163 W 163/65

[31] BCDR: F 243/46

[32] The Democrat and Planter, October 9, 1855.Columbia,Texas

[33] Ibid.

[34] BCDR: H 617/21

[35]Wiggins, Gary, Dance & BrothersTexas Gunmakers of the Confederacy, Moss Publications,Orange,Virginia, 1986, p. 12.


[36] The Democrat and Planter, August 16, 1859,Columbia,Texas

[37] First Capitol Historical Foundation, Inc., Historic East Columbia on the Brazos, The Country Printer, West Columbia, Texas, 2009, p.109.

[38] Houston Daily News,Houston,Texas, September 22, 1875

[39] BCDR: Y 108/10

[40] BCDR: 70 627/30

[41] BCDR: 72 542/44

[42] BCDR: 87 333/35 & 335/38

[43] BCDR: 405 307

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