Lets return to the intersection of Sienna Parkway, McKeever Rd. and Bee’s Passage. Until 1908, when William T. Eldridge purchased Cunningham's interests, this intersection marked only a turn to the east of the railway. The tracks left a 20,000 acre plantation at Sugar Land, traveled through the Dew Plantation at DeWalt, ran through the town of Trammells, made a turn at J.R. Fenn’s sugar house and joined with two major railways, the "Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe" and the "International and Great Northern", at Duke.
Before 1917, Eldridge abandoned the tracks between this intersection [now named Sienna Parkway at McKeever] and Duke, Texas. He built more railroad south, intersecting the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe at Sugar Land Junction. This was a train track crossing. There is not evidence the trains could share each others tracks at this location.